When I first started my Town Hall blog, Two Cents' Worth, about a year ago, there were some columns appearing which extolled the "sudden advancement" of race relations in America because B. H. Obama was elected to our presidency. They were based on a major flaw (my word, not theirs) in the current, wildly popular premise that America has been a racist country, and now, all of a sudden, that has gone away. It was then, and still is, my feeling that racism has been dying out in this country for quite a while now, and we are all better off for it.
So, anyway, I had this brilliant idea to do a little survey to hopefully get some idea of what various people thought would constitute racism on the part of an individual, using some basic behaviors or perceptions that many of us have.
It was a modest little effort, and despite getting (I am sure) thousands upon thousands of hits, it got an even more modest response. No matter! It was a good exercise for me then and I am sure that someday my grandchildren will be able to show it off and brag about my farsightedness.
The technique that I used was to do a base post, Do you think I am Racist Just Because..., which established the background and parameters for the series, and, as well, introduced the first scenario just to get things rolling. I then provided additional scenarios in separate posts. See them here at: #2? and #3?
Today, in visiting some sites around the net, I ran across a brilliant chart, entitled Obama Criticism Flow Chart, at Missourah.com. This simple yet powerful chart (included below) graphically reflects the root cause of one's state of mind relative to the antics being carried on in Washington these days. The intense disagreement that you might have with those antics may not be the simple disgust with socialism that you thought it was.
My own feeling is that leftists have a propensity for using the race card when the going gets a little tough (and that seems to be happening at an increasing rate). In fact, I will go so far as to say that the racism charges hurled by Carter, Pelosi and other left-wing ideologues are generally really false claims to deflect attention from their inability to answer tough questions, or to protect some sacred leftist cow. The "r" word, and its use as a tool for intimidation, appears to be much more prevalent by these "tolerant liberals" than it is by any group of right wing hardliners. It is racism, and is despicable, in the hands of either side.
The new president has spent vast amounts of energy, real money and political capital and has squandered our total international prestige to drag us into situations that no American populace has ever had to face before. The socialist implications of following him down the paths that he is trying to blaze for our country are staggering to the imagination, with the very real possibility that within 5 years there will be no individual freedoms left. Probably 25% of our population is chomping at the bit to go with him, not understanding that they will not be the governing class, but are just useful idiots. Other than the relatively small number who would comprise the major and minor party officials and the state security apparatus, the rest of them will be in the same freedom starved state as the rest of us.
He, aided and abetted by the leftist legislators and press, has misrepresented the real probable impacts to individuals as well as the nation, and has stifled opposing views about the "health crisis" even while claiming to be open to ideas from the other side. He has totally ignored the will of the growing number of people who simply want to be heard. And, yet, the people have raised enough of a stink that they can't even pass the bill, even with a veto-proof legislature. So, what's the path to be taken?
Why, as predictable as clockwork, the collective rant from that gang of thieves starts spreading across the land: the only reason these right wing crazies are against this is because our poor leader has the effrontery to be, gasp, black!
So, if you find yourself getting a little miffed with our leader, maybe it's only because you can't be sure whether it is a real concern or if you are just a racist. To clear your mind, just walk yourself through this chart.
In the words of the Missourah.com web-site: "It’s pretty exhausting trying to keep track of what is legitimate criticism of President Obama and what is racial hatred. That’s why I developed this handy flow chart:"
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