Thursday, November 6, 2008

Advice for Grover

This from the November 6, 2008, Townhall column by Michael R. Blood, entitled "Can Palin Resurrect the GOP?  Does She Want To?"

"Grover Norquist, a leading conservative and president of Americans for Tax Reform, called Palin "one of five or six people who is a plausible candidate for president in 2012," along with familiar names like Mitt Romney, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich."

A leading conservative, is Grover?  Is he a "leading conservative" in the mold of those who abandoned the party's candidate when the going got tough?  A suggestion, Grover.  Maybe you should look over your shoulder and see where the unwashed masses are heading, so you can run over and get in front of us.  If you try to force more of that elitest moderate claptrap on us, you may very well find that we have decided that a new party is the way to go. 

Sarah Palin has earned the right to be the leading candidate for the next election, if she feels like putting up with the Squealers  and the back-biters in the McCain staff (what a bunch of clowns!).  Frankly, I will not blame her if she decides to stay in Alaska to shoot moose.  That Grover dismisses her as one of five or six does not inspire much confidence in me that they learned anything.

Newt Gingrich is, to my mind, a true conservative hero, but, for whatever reason, he effectively chose to sit this one out.  He has some mending to do to get me interested in picking him over Sarah.

I don't know much about Romney, other than his religion.  I suspect that item alone will inspire enough divisiveness within the party to render him as less than a true force in a battle to unseat an incumbent, even a socialist.

Rick Perry is a grub!  An ultimate RINO!  He spearheaded a drive to add a new tax on the profits of businesses here in Texas, and, through his own personal leadership, got it passed.  I'll bet you $5.00 right now that he would not even carry Texas!

So, if you can find someone who is better than Sarah, and who convinces me that he is better, so be it.  I will be happy to support that person.  But beware of buying into the feeding frenzy that is trying desperately trying to discredit Sarah Palin, and be very cautious about trying to cut her legs from under her.  We, the non-leading conservatives, may not be nearly as stupid as you think.  The Independent Party (or some other) may find it's ranks swelling with dis-enfranchised Republicans.

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