Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Do you think I am racist just because...#3

NOTE:  Please refer to my previous post, Do You Think I am a Racist Just Because..., for the background and context of this post.

Do you think I am racist just because...I don't respect Barack Obama and am never likely to, and it is not all due to his shady associations.  I reserve the right to change my mind, and will gleefully do so, if he turns out to be a president who governs in a manner that preserves and protects our Constitution.

I have seen absolutely nothing from Barack Obama that gives me any reason to respect him.  There is the matter of being a smooth talker, but all of the great con men of the world are smooth talkers (e.g., Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, even Al Gore at times).  As it has with those others, only time will tell if the smooth talk is backed up by wisdom and insight, or just by some brains and a lot of cunning.

I don't respect him because of his penchant for using people and then leaving them by the wayside, particularly members of his own family.  He has the temerity to talk in terms of waking up to family responsibilities, and yet he doesn't make even minimal attempts to better life for his own flesh and blood.  To me, this reveals a certain shallowness of soul. 

I don't respect him for deviously bringing race into the campaign, just to get an edge. 

I don't respect him for agreeing to use matching funds, and then backing out.  Very cunning move, that, and it worked well for him, but it was not the act of an honorable man.

Most of all, I don't respect him because I perceive that he and the Dems are going to make every effort to lead this country down a path to socialism.  God help us, and moreso, our future generations!

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